




我们的临床工作人员致力于为我们的病人提供富有同情心的护理, 我们的社会和彼此以诚信和卓越. 每一天, 我们的专业人员提供安全的服务, 护理质量, 满足病人在医院各个领域的全面需求. 我们的首要关注点始终是病人, 以及他们的家庭, 我们的目标是通过始终提供卓越的护理来超越他们的期望!

十大靠谱网赌平台care is a full service community hospital offering a complete range of health services:

OHC operates a 24-hour Emergency Services department with specially trained physicians and nurses who are capable of handling a wide variety of conditions.
OHC’s 放射学 department also operates around the clock for emergency imaging services. When necessary, patients are transported to hospitals in Syracuse or 尤蒂卡 for more specialized care.

对于需要持续监测和专门护理的情况, our highly skilled ICU/CCU staff has a full complement of modern telemetry equipment at their disposal. ICU/CCU的情况包括心脏病发作 & 中风,严重事故和一些术后护理. 病人 are sometimes stabilized here before being transferred to a hospital in Syracuse, 尤蒂卡, 或者其他城市.

十大靠谱网赌平台care has a complete suite of state of the art operating rooms with advanced technology, 以及经过专门培训的员工, 准备好适应我们的外科十大靠谱网赌平台安排的各种各样的程序.
达芬奇 -奥奈达医疗是麦迪逊唯一的医院 & Oneida counties to offer the advanced technology of minimally invasive robotic surgery.  我们介绍了
robotic single-site Cholecystectomy (gallbladder removal) surgery to Central New York and the Mohawk Valley. Our team of robotic surgeons also perform GYN, prostate and thoracic robotic procedures.

住院病人 -某些程序, 比如整形外科, 癌症手术, 胸外科, 无瘢痕腹腔镜胆囊切除术(胆囊切除术), 等., require that patients stay in the hospital for several days before they are ready to be discharged. 后恢复, the patient is transported to the Medical/Surgical (4th) floor where OHC’s outstanding nursing staffs are ready to continue with their care. 护理团队也可以包括物理治疗, 呼吸治疗, 放射学, 出院计划及其他.

转变你的护理 – Our Care Transitions Services Department is here to assist patients in providing a broad range of services designed to ensure health care continuity and promote the safe and timely transfer from one level of care to another or from one type of setting to another (whether home, 短期康复设施或长期护理). 在住院治疗, 病人的住院和健康是我们的首要任务, and everyone involved in his/her care will work as a team to make sure that they receive the attention, 他们应该得到的支持和同情.

Our concern for patient health care starts on admission to prepare them for discharge. We understand that returning home or to another familiar environment often provides an immediate source of comfort and healing and we want our patients to benefit from this. Select patients may be ready to leave 十大靠谱网赌平台care but still need additional health care services such as home health care or assisted living to ensure safety and continued healing. 在整个住院期间, potential needs for these services are continually assessed by the care transitions team.  我们很乐意为您解答所有的问题和顾虑.  From time of admission, the Care Transition team starts planning for anticipated discharge needs. All information related to discharge is shared with the patient and their primary support person(s) to ensure a smooth transition.

护理过渡护士周一至周五早上7点在现场.m. 直到下午4:30.m. 并且能够安排在家所需的服务.  可通过以下电话与护理过渡部取得联系 315-361-2053.

门诊/动态 ——今天, more and more surgical procedures are delivered on a “same day” basis – The patient comes in the morning for a scheduled procedure and goes home later that same day. This is usually more convenient for the patient and is less costly because additional hospital services are not required. 一些更常见的门诊程序包括:


对于门诊手术的病人, 十大靠谱网赌平台care offers a “one-stop” opportunity to have all outpatient pre-surgical testing done conveniently in one visit. 教育al material concerning the surgical procedure is also provided during that visit. 联系你的外科十大靠谱网赌平台安排这个简单方便的服务. 打给莫林·莫萨克注册护士,护士长,电话361-2164.

Coming to the hospital for an outpatient surgical procedure can be pretty intimidating, 特别适合小孩子.  That’s why our Ambulatory 手术 staff has prepared a special video that answers a lot of the questions children and parents have.  You can follow our young “patient” from her arrival at the hospital to when she leaves at the end of the day.  You’ll be introduced to some of the kind and caring people she meets along the way and learn what to expect.  We recommend that parents and children view this informative and helpful video together.  想要免费DVD,只需拨打361-2164或发送请求至info@oneidahealthcare.org.

OHC operates a specially designed 内窥镜检查 unit on the 3rd floor of the hospital to accommodate the large volume of endoscopic (“Scope”) procedures scheduled by our Gastroenterologists and other physicians. 使用最新技术, the physician and specially trained nursing staff are able to offer this highly specialized diagnostic service on an outpatient basis.

Our Cardiopulmonary Department performs a number of sophisticated tests of the heart and Pulmonary system to assist physicians in diagnosing possible problems. The tests are usually performed on an outpatient basis and involve the use of harmless sound waves and drugs to monitor the way your heart performs its function. 其中一些测试, 比如压力超声心动图, require the patient to perform exercises in the cardiac lab in order to evaluate how the heart responds to exertion. 我们心脏实验室的所有检查都是非侵入性的.  Our state of the art Pulmonary Function Test (PFT) system is also conveniently located within the department.

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